The Annex
- Located at 1415 Engracia Ave, the Parish Annex is just at the other end of the block with the church. It has a hall and three meeting rooms.
- The Gift Shop is in the basement under the Annex. The entrance is located in the back facing El Dorado Street. It is open Saturdays and Sundays from 10 AM to 2 PM, and closed on weekend of holidays, such as Memorial Day and Labor Day, and on major holy days and holidays, such as Christmas, New Year, and Easter. The Gift Shop is also a bargain place for used and donated items.
- Located at 1421 Cota Ave, the Convent is across the small triangle neighborhood park from the church. The Eucharistic Franciscan Missionary Sisters devote themselves to eucharistic adoration and social and educational services. They can be reached at 310.328.6725.