Daily Mass

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.

— Luke 1:46-47


  • Arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to check the Lectionary for the Readings and the Book of Petitions (brown folder) in the sacristy. Confirm with the presider as needed.

  • Set the Lectionary with pages to read open on the ambo and the Book of Petitions in the available slot.

  • You may sit at one of the chairs reserved for altar servers or you may sit in the pews.

  • After the Collect (opening prayer) for the Mass by the presider, come up and bow in front of the altar and proceed to the ambo to read the Readings and the Responsorial Psalms.

  • After finishing reading, bow slightly and go to a chair reserved for altar servers.

  • The presider will proceed with the Proclamation (Alleluia), the Gospel and homily.

  • After the homily, be prepared to read the petitions following the presider's opening prayer.

  • After the petitions, you may return to your seat without bowing to the altar.


  • Fr. Gerhart prefers to read the petitions himself.

  • Fr. Gerhart may prefer the optional readings for the memorials. He usually sets up the Readings himself.

  • You can read as well as listen to the readings on the U. S. Bishops' site: Daily Readings and Daily Readings Audio.

  • Fr. Tran usually goes by the Readings on the bishops' website. These readings usually go with the Readings and Psalms printed in the Today's Missal for all to follow at Mass.