Book Club

In the beginning was the Word...

— John 1:1

The Book Club

  • April 2019: "What's So Great about Christianity" by Dinesh D'Souza

  • June 2019: "Symbol or Substance?" by Peter Kreeft

  • September & October 2019: "An Immovable Feast" by Tyler Blanski

  • November 2019: "Upon This Rock" by Steven Ray

  • January 2020: "The World's First Love" by Fulton Sheen

  • March 2020: "The Fourth Cup" by Scott Hahn

  • October 2020: "A Biblical Walk through the Mass" by Edward Sri

  • November 2020: "On Fraternity and Social Friendship" by Pope Francis

  • December 2020: "Light and Leaven" by Bishop Joseph Strickland

  • May 2021: "Things Worth Dying For" by Archbishop Charles Chaput

  • August 2021: "Signs of Life" by Scott Hahn

  • September 2021: "Story of a Soul" by Therese de Lisseux

  • October 2021: "Introduction to Christianity" by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

We read books in the light of Christian Faith and through the teachings of the Church.

Good books are true friends for stimulating and informative conversations. Everyone who loves to read a good book is welcome to join.

Contact Us for more information.